Professor Philip A. Pecorino

VIEW:  Welcome Opening

Let's Get Started !!!!!!

Well, congratulations on entering the class site and getting this far.  Now we get into it.  If you got this far you can make it through the rest of this.  I look forward to working with all of you and hope that we will produce successful outcomes for each one of you taking this course.

Be sure you go through the TEN STEPS below and do what is indicated.  If you do you will be much better off.

Check out what all the information in the links in the course outline/syllabus. READ EVERYTHING-that is one of the most important requests/directions/ instructions that I can give to you.

DO NOT PANIC !!!   It may appear to you that all of this information and all the resources on this course site is quite overwhelming.  It may appear that with so much here, then the course must involve so much work, much more than other courses do.  DO NOT PANIC!   The impression of so much information should not lead you to the conclusion that the course has more work to it.  It does not.  Students who overcome the initial reaction of anxiety report very favorable assessments of this course.  It is just that there is so much given to support students as they enter the course and work their way through it.  So much is given to explain the course and its activities and to support students in their work.  So much is here because students have provided feedback and suggestions over the years this course has been offered that changes have been made to improve the course and student experience of the course.  Much is given to support student success.  Most students who complete the course do very, very well. Check the grades for yourself and see that while too many do not remain in the course, of those who do, there are many A's and B's. So, DO NOT PANIC!!!  Just look over everything and if you are registered and want to take this course and do well then begin by completing the first TEN STEPS and you will be on your way to a successful semester.

DO NOT PANIC!!  If you have the time to put into this course and actually do the work the results will be quite good.  This course rewards effort.  There are no tricks involved and no quizzes or exams or surprise assignments.

What does it come down to after all the reading of the basic information? Just how much work is involved in this class to do well? 9-12hrs/week of work each week in Fall and Spring Semesters that run 14 to 15 weeks     18-24 hrs/week in SUMMER semesters that run only 7 or 8 weeks !!! 

 What is the work? Four things!

(1) Do the TEN STEPS

(2)READINGS: reading the materials and the online textbook- required readings inside of the online textbook are marked by "READ"

(3)ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT   12 meetings x 3 points TOTAL 36 points

In a regular class attendance is taken directly.

The following are the minimums for attendance:

Being in class for the entire class period= 1 point

Speaking in class on a topic or question related to the current module = 1 point
Asking a question by speaking or writing on a topic related to the current module  = 1 point

(4) WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS: 12 each worth 5 points  TOTAL  60 Points  Submit the written assignments at the end of the module period by date on calendar  11:59pm 

TEN STEPS =4 points

Submit by email to

with NO ATTACHMENTS.  Subject Line:  Your name QCC PHIL101 FA22 Assignment #

(5-optional ) BONUS ASSIGNMENTS  several points vary  One at end of semester worth 5 points


OK, let's get started by having you explore the course site and learn about the requirements and what we will be doing here.  For this first module or learning unit in this course you are expected to do the following TEN things! Yes TEN (10):   For this first few days you are expected to do the following TEN things! Yes TEN (10). I repeated that. Why? It is very important. Why?  Well, by the time you are finished you should know all that you need to know about this class and what is required to do well in it.

STEP 1. Read all the documents that are part of Course Outline/Syllabus using the link  Course Outline/Syllabus Be sure to read How you will be evaluated!   There are a lot of items in the Course Outline/Syllabus be sure to read ALL OF THEM. You have already begun!

STEP 2. Simply read the entire course outline and all of its parts.

STEP 3. Check and Print out the  COURSE CALENDAR - under COURSE OUTLINE or CALENDAR or SCHEDULE ! Many students have stated that the calendar is a very useful tool or guide as to what they need to do and when to do it.

STEP 4. Send an email to the instructor and introduce yourself and indicate at least one thing you think the instructor should know about you.

STEP 5.  Communicating with the Professor:     If you want to stop by for a visit my office is at Queensborough Community College in Bayside NY in the Medical Arts Building, Room 403 Monday, Tuesday, 12 noon-2pm 

1.      for a personal matter  Sending me an email to

2.      for a personal matter  Calling my office phone:  Monday, Tuesday, 12 noon-2pm  1-718-281-5038

STEP 6. MANDATORY Email  PRACTICE re  Academic Integrity Statement and Policy  


Read about Academic Integrity Statement and Policy  at your college and send your agreement to abide by it through Email  to your instructor.  You must use the CUNY email address supplied by this college!!!!!! 

1. Paraphrase of the Academic Integrity Statement and Policy

2. the statement:

I, ____________,have read and understand the Academic Integrity Policy for this course and agree to abide by it.

Save your word processed file (document) as a WORD or a  DOC or TXT file. Then copy and paste the text into the message space of an EMAIL you send to   Do not send attachments!!!   Copy and paste your text from the word processor directly into the message window of the email. 


As a CUNY student You must use the CUNY email address supplied by this college or some other CUNY unit.  It will have a address!!!!!!  Each and every registered student has an email account.   If you do not have an address acceptable to this instructor you will have 10 days to get and use the college supplied email address and notify the instructor from the new address.


When sending email ALWAYS In the subject line put: first name , last name, QCC PHI 101 B1 or B3 FA22 ASSIGNMENT# or QUESTION or HELP

After an assignment has been received, it will be graded and the feedback shared with you either by E-mail or by the use of an on-line grade book WebPages found by clicking on GRADES.

STEP 8. MANDATORY  Read and then copy the course requirement information immediately below and send it to the instructor   first name , last name, QCC PHI 101 B1 or B3 FA22 STEP 8

 <<<<<<<<<<<<BEGIN COPY AND PASTE HERE:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The basic course activities and requirements:

How much work is involved in this class to do well?

9-12hrs/week of work each week in Fall and Spring Semesters that run 14 to 15 weeks 

18-24 hrs/week in SUMMER semesters that run 7 or 8 weeks !!! 

 What is the work? Four things!

(1) Do the TEN STEPS

(2)READINGS: reading the online textbook- required readings inside of the online textbook are marked by "READ"

(3)ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT   12 meetings x 3 points TOTAL 36 points

In a regular class attendance is taken directly.

The following are the minimums for attendance:

Being in class for the entire class period= 1 point

Speaking in class on a topic or question related to the current module = 1 point
Asking a question by speaking or writing on a topic related to the current module  = 1 point

(4) WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS: 12 each worth 5 points  TOTAL  60 Points  Submit the written assignments at the end of the module period by date on calendar  11:59pm 

TEN STEPS =4points

Submit by email to

with NO ATTACHMENTS.  Subject Line:  Your name QCC PHIL101 FA22 Assignment #

(5-optional ) BONUS ASSIGNMENTS  several points vary  One at end of semester worth 5 points

<<<<<<END COPY AND PASTE HERE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

STEP 9. READ the Student Reviews and Comments about this class.

STEP 10.  RELAX It looks like it is a lot but it is no more than any other class only just made more accessible and convenient and more is explained in text at the start.

Oh and what it comes down to is this:  The following learning activities apply to each module:

  1. Read the assigned material.
  2. Participate in the Discussions in class
  3. Submit the written assignment for each module by the due date by 11:59pm.

Have a great semester and your efforts will be rewarded with a well earned good grade.


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