WID WAC Committee
2024-2027: (9 Members)
Faculty Representatives (Name, Department, Term Ends)
- James Nichols, Chair, History (2027)
- Contact: jnichols@qcc.cuny.edu
- Adam Luedtke, Secretary, Social Sciences (2025)
- Svjetlana Bukvich-Nichols, Music (2025)
- David Pham, Mathematics & Computer Science (2025)
- Shenaz Ida, Nursing (2026)
- Susan Lago, English (2026)
- Nicole McClam, Health, Phys Ed, & Dance (2026)
- Neera Mohess, Library (2027)
- Alison Mello, Biological Sciences & Geology (2027)
Faculty Writing Intensive HIP Co-Coordinators
- Melissa Dennihy, English
- Monica Rossi-Miller, Foreign Languages & Literature
Student Representatives
- Vacant
- Arthur Corradetti, Dean for Institutional Effectiveness, Liaison to Office of Academic Affairs
- Vacant, Steering Committee Designee
Meeting Dates & Times
- Committee meets 1-2 times per semester, typically on Wednesdays during or after club hours.
- 2024-2025 Meeting dates/times:
- 2/16/24 -- 1:30 pm
- 5/15/24 -- 1:15 pm
- 9/18/24 -- 2:15 pm
Bylaws Charges
Section 28. The Committee on Writing in the Disciplines/Writing Across the Curriculum (WID/WAC)
The Committee on WID/WAC shall consist of the director or one co-director of the WID/WAC Program, nine (9) faculty members from different departments who have participated in WID/WAC professional development and one (1) student.
The Committee on WID/WAC shall:
Oversee and make recommendations to the Academic Senate related to the WID/WAC Program;
Review and recommend changes in the criteria for a writing intensive (WI ) class to the Academic Senate for its approval;
Oversee a continuing WID/WAC Faculty Professional Development Program with the Office of Academic Affairs;
Hear and decide student cases requesting a waiver from any WI degree requirements;
Provide a list of current WI-certified classes and the instructors certified to teach WI classes to the department chairs who will make the final decision on the designation of a course or section as WI each semester;
Ensure through a certification and recertification process that all classes designated as WI meet the criteria for a WI class.
Provide the Committee on Committees with a list of faculty members who are participating in the WID/WAC program.
Steering Committee Suggested Charges/Committee Goals
Continue work on adjusting Recertification Form
Complete Committee Guide Addendum
Provide meeting times on webpage