Full Time Faculty

  • Armendariz, Raul, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor / Chairperson
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 281-5729
    Office: S-339

    Email Prof. Armendariz
  • Bellovary, Jill (Jillian), Ph.D.

    Associate Professor
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6249
    Office: S-347

    Origins of Black Holes Research Project

    Email Prof. Bellovary
  • Cheung, Tak David, Ph.D.

    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6365
    Office: S-343

    Email Prof. Cheung
  • Damas, M. Chantale, Ph.D.

    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 281-5422
    Office: S-342
    QCC Space Weather Research

    Email Prof. Damas
  • Dehipawala, Sunil, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 281-5720
    Office: S-314

    Email Prof. Dehipawala
  • Guo, Wenli, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor / Deputy Chairperson
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6346
    Office: S-342

    Email Prof. Guo
  • Holden, Todd M., Ph.D.

    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 281-5766
    Office Location: S-314

    Email Prof. Holden
  • Kokkinos, Dimitrios, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 281-5708
    Office: S-314

    Email Prof. Kokkinos
  • Lieberman, David, Ph.D.

    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6324
    Office: S-347

    Email Prof. Lieberman
  • Marchese, Paul, Ph.D.

    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6690
    Office: S-340

    Email Prof. Marchese
  • Neuman, Charles P., Ph.D.

    Associate Professor
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 281-5704
    Office: S-314

    Email Prof. Neuman
  • Shekoyan, Vazgen, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6692
    Office: S-314

    Email Prof. Shekoyan
  • Taibu, Rex, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor / Engineering and Engineering Technology Program Coordinator
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6098
    Office: S-340

    Email Prof. Taibu

Adjunct Faculty

  • Barton, Steven

    Adjunct Lecturer
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6366
    Office: S-309

    Email Prof. Barton
  • Chainani, Shailendra

    Adjunct Associate Professor
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6366
    Office: S-343

    Email Prof. Chainani
  • Eckstein, Peter

    Adjunct Lecturer
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6366
    Office: S-343

    Email Prof. Eckstein
  • Fakatselis, James

    Adjunct Lecturer
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6366
    Office: S-343

    Email Prof. Fakatselis
  • Lamhaouar, Said

    Adjunct Lecturer
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6366
    Office: S-343

    Email Prof. Lamhaouar
  • Lee, Tan-Na Ph.D.

    Adjunct Associate Professor
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6366
    Office: S-343

    Email Prof. Lee
  • Look, Edward

    Adjunct Assistant Professor
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6366
    Office: S-343

    Email Prof. Look
  • Miller, Warren

    Adjunct Lecturer
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6366
    Office: S-343

    Email Prof. Miller
  • Okoko, Guy, Ph.D.

    Adjunct Assistant Professor
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6366
    Office: S-343

  • Ricci, Frank

    Adjunct Lecturer
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6366

  • Shadab, Asema

    Adjunct Lecturer
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6366
    Office: S-343

    Email Prof. Shadab
  • Stalerman, Corey

    Adjunct Lecturer
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6235
    Office: S-309

    Email Prof. Stalerman

Laboratory Technicians

Full Time Laboratory Technicians

  • Alec Kisselev

    Senior CLT
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 281-5769
    Office: S-334

    Email Mr. Kisselev
  • Arkadiy Portnoy

    Senior CLT
    Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6278
    Office: S-334

    Email Mr. Portnoy

Office Administrator

  • Nabila Nabi

    CUNY Office Assistant Phone/Voice Mail: (718) 631-6366
    Office: S-343

    Email Mrs. Nabi

Campus Cultural Centers

Kupferberg Holocaust Center exterior lit up at nightOpens in a new window
Kupferberg Holocaust Center Opens in a new window

The KHC uses the lessons of the Holocaust to educate current and future generations about the ramifications of unbridled prejudice, racism and stereotyping.

Russian Ballet performing at the Queensborough Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window
QPAC: Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window

QPAC is an invaluable entertainment company in this region with a growing national reputation. The arts at QPAC continues to play a vital role in transforming lives and building stronger communities.

Queensborough Art Gallery exterior in the afternoonOpens in a new window
QCC Art Gallery

The QCC Art Gallery of the City University of New York is a vital educational and cultural resource for Queensborough Community College, the Borough of Queens and the surrounding communities.