Order A QCC Yearbook
Order a QCC Aurora Yearbook & Have It Mailed To Your Home!
The total price of a QCC Aurora Yearbook is $28.63 ($25.00 plus $3.63 for shipping and handling). Currently only domestic shipping is available.
1) To order a QCC Aurora Yearbook, please send an email to chuang@qcc.cuny.edu and include the following information:
- Your Name
- Address
- Phone Number
- QCC Student ID#
- The QCC Aurora Yearbook year requested.
2) Your will receive an Email Confirmation, then follow the Instructions to submit the payment. You may pay via credit card by using your CUNYFirst Account. After you make the payment, please email a copy of your receipt to chuang@qcc.cuny.edu. Once the receipt is received, a copy of the Aurora Yearbook will be mailed to you.
3) If you mail in a Money Order, as soon as the payment is received a Aurora Yearbook will be shipped to you. Please make the Money Order payable to Queensborough Community College.
Mail your Money Order to:The Office of Student Activities
Queensborough Community College, CUNY
222-05 56th Avenue, Bayside, New York 11364
Attention: Cha Huang
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Cha Huang at 718-631-6233 or chuang@qcc.cuny.edu.