College Courses Offered - College Now

BI-110 Fundamentals of Life Science

3 class hours 3 credits
Prerequisite: Minimum score 75+ ELA Regents or 480+ Verbal SAT, or if the Regents have not been taken, a GPA of 85+ after four semesters of high school English

Satisfies the Non-laboratory Science component of the Science and Mathematics requirements for the A.A. degree and the liberal arts core or elective requirements for the A.S. degree.

Students who feel they need to reinforce their science background are urged to take BI-110 either before or with the indicated courses.

Presents basic concepts of the life sciences. Includes scientific measurement, the properties of matter and energy on which life is dependent, and levels of organization.

Especially recommended for those students who plan to take additional courses in the life sciences. Credit will not be given to students who have successfully completed BI-140, 160, 201, 301, or 501 prior to taking BI-110.

BI-170 Plants and People

3 class hours 3 credits
Prerequisite: Minimum score 75+ ELA Regents or 480+ Verbal SAT, or if the Regents have not yet  been taken, 85+ GPA after four semesters of high school English

Plant forms and functions including plant evolution, ecology, heredity and diseases; plants in history, folklore, agriculture, horticulture, and industry, plant drugs and poison.

BU-201 Business Organization and Management

3 class hours 3 credits
Prerequisite: High School Recommendation/minimum score 65+ ELA Regents.

Structure and character of modern business; business and its relationship to other social organizations; how businesses are organized and managed; human factors in business and industry; management and the decision-making process; planning, organizing, programming, and controlling processes; production, financing, and marketing considerations in operation of business enterprises.

CIS-101 Introduction to Microcomputer Applications

2 class hours 2 laboratory hours 3 credits
Prerequisite: High School Recommendation/minimum score 65+ ELA Regents.

Introduction to the use of computers in business, concepts of computer hardware and software, elements of problem solving. Designed to provide “hands-on” experience with the IBM personal computer. Software packages are applied to business applications including spreadsheets, word processing, database and graphics.

CRIM-101 Introduction to Criminal Justice

3 class hours 3 credits
Prerequisite: Minimum score 75+ ELA Regents or 480+ Verbal SAT, or if the Regents have not yet been taken, a GPA of 85+ after four semesters of high school English

A survey of the institutions and processes of the criminal justice system. Special emphasis on police, courts and corrections.

CRIM-102 Criminology

3 class hours 3 credits
Prerequisite: Minimum score 75+ ELA Regents or 480+ Verbal SAT, or if Regents have not been taken, a GPA of 85+ after four semesters of high school English

Intro to the study of crime. Focuses on theories and research concerning the nature, causes and treatment of crime.

CN-71 College Preparatory Reading and Writing for ESL

4 class hours 0 credits
Prerequisite: Minimum score 55 ELA Regents and not greater than a 74 on the ELA Regents.

This course is intended for English Language Learners (ELL) who are at a high intermediate/advanced level of proficiency in English but need more practice to develop their academic language proficiency and college level reading and writing skills via ESL pedagogy. The readings in this course include excerpts from newspapers and magazines, poetry, plays, and fiction. Writing assignments will focus on paragraph development and essay organization. Students will also further refine specific skills necessary to succeed on the ELA Regents, CUNY CATW, or equivalent CUNY reading and writing placement test.

CN-72 Enhanced College Preparatory Language Arts Skills

4 class hours 0 credits
Prerequisite: Minimum score 55 ELA Regents and not greater than a 74 on the ELA Regents.

A course for students who would like to improve the language arts skills they will need to succeed in college-level study. Emphasis is on basic language arts such as critical reading, vocabulary, the writing process, rhetoric, grammar and mechanics and test-taking skills.

CN-73 Reading and Writing Community Stories

4 class hours 0 credits
Prerequisite: Minimum score 55 ELA Regents and not greater than a 74 on the ELA Regents.

This is a theme-based developmental reading and writing course that provides students with a foundation in the key academic reading and writing skills used in many humanities and social science college courses. The emphasis throughout the course will be placed on improving students' reading and writing skills by developing reading strategies for determining essential vs. nonessential elements of assigned texts, developing academic vocabulary and writing essays in which students practice using theoretical approached learned in the course.

EN-101 English Composition I

3 class hours 1 recitation hour 3 credits
Prerequisite: Minimum score 75+ ELA Regents or 480+ Verbal SAT, or if the Regents have not yet  been taken, a GPA of 85+ after four semesters of high school English

Development of a process for producing intelligent essays that are clearly and effectively written: library work; 6,000 words of writing, both formal themes written for evaluation and in informal writing such as the keeping of a journal. During the recitation hour, students review grammar and syntax, sentence structure, paragraph development and organization, and the formulation of thesis statements.

EN-102 English Composition II: Introduction to Literature

3 class hours 1 recitation hour 3 credits
Prerequisite: EN-101

Continued practice in writing combined with an introduction to literature: fiction, drama, and poetry. During the recitation hour, students review basic elements of writing and analytical and critical reading skills and research strategies.

GE-125 Earth Science

3 class hours 3 credits
Prerequisites: Minimum score of 75+ on the ELA Regents of 480+ on the Verbal SAT, or if Regents not yet taken, a GPA of 85+ after four semesters of high school English

Not open to students who have taken GE-101 or GE-102. May be used to satisfy nonlaboratory science requirement for the A.A. degree.

Origin of our solar system; structure and composition of our home planet, earth; origin of earth's landscapes and oceans; patterns of weather and climate.

HE-102 Critical Issues in Health Education

2 class hours 2 credits
Prerequisite: Minimum score 75+ ELA Regents or 480+ Verbal SAT.

A concentrated course of study involving research and discussion of critical health issues dealing with mental health, addictions and dependencies, exercise, diet, human sexuality, major diseases and their relation to morbidity and longevity. Students are also required to attend Health Lecture Series programs and/or related field experiences as a complement to classroom activities.

HE-103 Nutrition and Health

3 class hours 3 credits
Prerequisite: Minimum score 75+ ELA Regents or 480+ Verbal SAT, or if the Regents have not yet been taken, a GPA of 85+ after four semesters of high school

The science of nutrition and its relationship, including nutritional needs and pathologies, functions and uses of various foods.

HI-125 Immigration and Ethnic Groups in American History

3 class hours 3 credits
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Minimum score 75+ ELA Regents or 480+ Verbal SAT, or if the Regents have not yet been taken, a GPA of 85+ after four semesters of high school English

Analyzes the American immigration experience and examines various ethnic groups that came to America; depicts their pre-immigration background and the historical causes of immigration; evaluates the impact of the immigrants on American history and of America upon the immigrants. Among themes to be examined are the historical development of the ghetto and American reception of immigrants.

HI-126 Women in America

3 class hours 3 credits
Prerequisite: Minimum score 75+ ELA Regents or 480+ Verbal SAT, or if Regents not yet taken, a GPA of 85+ after four semesters of high school English

Impact of changes in the economy, technology, law, culture, and society on the status of women and explores women's perceptions of themselves. Among topics considered are the work roles of women, the historical experience of women of differing classes and ethnic groups, women and reform in the nineteenth century, the political activity of women before and after the nineteenth amendment to the Constitution, and current feminist movements.

MA-119 College Algebra

3 class hours 3 credits
Prerequisite: A score of 80 or higher on the New York State Regents examinations (70 or higher on the common core) on any Math Regents

A basic presentation of the fundamental concepts of college algebra, systems of linear equations, inequalities, linear, quadratic exponential and logarithmic functions.

MA-440 Pre-Calculus Mathematics

3 class hours 2 recitation hours 4 credits
Prerequisite: A score of 80 or higher on the New York State Regents examinations (or 70 or above on the Common Core) in Integrated Algebra, or Geometry, or Algebra 2 & Trigonometry, and by successfully completing each course in the three-course Regents sequence: Integrated Algebra, Geometry; and Algebra 2 & Trigonometry

Mathematical foundations necessary for the study of the calculus. An introduction to analytic geometry, and the elementary functions of analysis, including algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions. The use of the graphing calculator will be included.

PH-111 Space, Astronomy and Our Universe

2.25 class hours; .075 laboratory hours; 3 credits

“Space, Astronomy, and our Universe” discusses topics related to space and astronomy, beginning with our planet and our Moon, and extending to stars, galaxies, and the Universe as a whole. This course will explore physical processes and laws that govern the motion and evolution of all objects in the Universe, including meteors, asteroids, planets, and stars. * Course qualifies as Pathways Common Core 1C–Life & Physical Sciences.

PSYC-101 Psychology

3 class hours 3 credits
Prerequisite: Minimum score 75+ELA Regents or 480+ Verbal SAT, or if Regents have not yet been taken, a GPA of 85+ after four semesters of high school English

This course is an introduction to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Topics include research methods, biological bases of brain and mind, sensation-perception, sleep and states of consciousness, learning-memory, development, cognition-intelligence, motivation-emotion, personality, abnormal psychology-therapy, and social psychology. Research findings and principles related to everyday life.

PSYC- 125 Psychology of Personal Adjustment

3 class hours 3 credits
Prerequisite: Minimum score of 75+ on the ELA Regents or SAT Verbal 480, or if Regents not yet taken, a GPA of 85+ after four semesters of high school English

Focus is on personal adjustment in an ongoing process of the normal individual. An examination of individual adjustment in terms of the psychological, developmental and socio-cultural dimensions of everyday living. A major concern is the practical application of psychological principals to the enhancement of personal adjustment. Main topics include the origins of adjustment, adjustment and identity, individual growth and change, social adjustment and problems of adjustment.

SP-211 Speech Communication

4 class hours 3 credits
Prerequisite: High School Recommendation/minimum score 65 + ELA Regents.

Study of oral communication and its role in contemporary society. Emphasis on listening, interpersonal communication, small group decision-making, and public speaking. Informative and persuasive speaking.

SP-321 Oral Performance for the Actor and Speaker

3 class hours 3 credits
Prerequisite: High School Recommendation/minimum score 65 + ELA Regents.

Designed to improve the interpretation skills of actors, speakers, and those individuals desiring to improve the level of their individual oral expression for personal of professional reasons. Techniques of reading aloud from plays, poetry, prose, and essay. Practice in conveying information, projecting ideas, creating emotions, and interpreting from the script and oral interpretation as a means of developing literary criticism and discrimination.

SOCY-101 Sociology

3 class hours 3 credits
Prerequisite: Minimum score 75+ ELA Regents or 480+ Verbal SAT, or if Regents not yet taken, a GPA of 85+ after four semesters of high school English

This course is an introductory analysis and description of structure and dynamics of human society; special emphasis on application of scientific methods of observation and analysis of social groups, inter-group relations, social change, social stratification, and social institutions.


TH-120 Acting I

3 class hours 3 credits
Prerequisite: High School Recommendation/minimum score 65+ ELA Regents.

Theory and practice of the art of acting; exercises in sense impression; characterization; improvisations; scenes from plays; special reports. Designed for the development of a knowledgeable and appreciative audience as well as for basic acting techniques.

Campus Cultural Centers

Kupferberg Holocaust Center exterior lit up at nightOpens in a new window
Kupferberg Holocaust Center Opens in a new window

The KHC uses the lessons of the Holocaust to educate current and future generations about the ramifications of unbridled prejudice, racism and stereotyping.

Russian Ballet performing at the Queensborough Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window
QPAC: Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window

QPAC is an invaluable entertainment company in this region with a growing national reputation. The arts at QPAC continues to play a vital role in transforming lives and building stronger communities.

Queensborough Art Gallery exterior in the afternoonOpens in a new window
QCC Art Gallery

The QCC Art Gallery of the City University of New York is a vital educational and cultural resource for Queensborough Community College, the Borough of Queens and the surrounding communities.